Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hello everyone!

Whats going on everyone!?!

I'm going to try out this blogspot thing.

So yesterday I took my first insanity fit test and all i have to say is WOW....

Switch Kicks - 110
Power Jacks - 58
Power Knees - 73
Power Jumps - 35
Globe Jumps - 7
Suicide Jumps - 18
Push-Up Jacks - 22
Low Plank Oblique - 30

*4miles - 30:12

After getting awesome results with P90X i figured i'd try this out. I'm in class now, was running a little last because i had my first insanity workout (
Plyometric Cardio Circuit) and man do you Burn fat with intervals of intense lower-body plyo and sweat-inducing cardio. lol I loved the warm up(s) lol. Very explosive movements I love it! Like my friend betterlife90 from youtube said its P90X plyo on crack haha

My sister is doing it with me, which is very exciting!

But im going to get going..... check out my youtube channel


Push Play, Dig Deep and Bring it ALLLL DAY!

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