Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who are you?

Who Are You?

Do you ever find yourself checking to make sure that you do something that will gain you approval from someone else? You might be very careful to say something a certain way so the listener doesn't think you're odd or weird in any way. Ever notice that your clothing looks a lot like the clothing of the people you're hanging out with. Maybe everyone around you is using words like "like" and "bro" every 5th word and therefore you do it too. Because the last thing we want to do, is stick out. To dress, speak, think or behave differently than your friends, family and co-workers could get you in trouble. And worst of all it could leave you open to ridicule. No one likes to have their differences pointed out in front of others. This might have mattered in junior high school, but once you grow up, being different is how you stand out. Standing out is how you break out of the sameness that is keeping you from loving life.

When everything around you says to stay the same, to fit in, it's hard to break out of the ho-hum, humdrum world you find yourself in. Everything you want comes from asking yourself what you want, not the drag-ass people in your life who want you to be like them. Your journey should be as unique as your DNA. Your choices, actions and words need come from deep inside. What is your gut and mind telling you? If outside influences feel wrong then they probably are. And by the way, what you want and who you are requires working your butt off. Choosing to sit on your ass because your gut tells you to is a lie. Study, practice, effort, time and patience are all part of an authentic journey. It's you doing, that allows you to be you. Sometimes just the thought of all that will make you feel like you're hanging in the wind, but most often it will give you the strength to feel like you control your destiny.

When you're living for others and just surviving, the weight of the world sits on you like a two ton truck. When you choose to stand up and stand out, and be the person you were meant to be, the world is a playground filled with adventure and possibilities. Open the door, look around, step inside and go play. If you're choosing the journey based on your desires to be unique and happy, life never feels like work. It feels spectacular and glorious! Why wouldn't you deserve that? You do. We all do. The first step to getting there requires your desire to change. Your reasons why and plan need to be written down. Change only happens when you're in the game every day. Turn off the tube, pick up a book, do the workout, hang out with creative, smart hard working people and ask plenty of questions along the way.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

  • Live high
  • Live mighty
  • Live righteously
  • Taking it easy

Just take it easy
And celebrate the malleable reality
Nothing is ever as it seems

This life is but a dream.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Stack! (Optimum Nutrition)

Friday, November 12, 2010


Remember that your goal isn't just about achieving physical fitness; it is about developing emotional fitness. You can lose all the weight you want, but unless you have resolved and confronted your emotional issues, you will never truly be satisfied or content with yourself.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm not a Monster :-/

They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like
a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at
the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows
them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these
civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm
just ahead of the curve.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Lets get that heart rate up this morning!!

Hello everyone!

So whats it going to be today?

The joy of discipline ? or the pain of regret?

I'm thinking about putting a huge smile on my face!!! I'm not sure if I should get out there on this hot summer day (90 Degrees) or stay in my cool basement and work out on my treadmill or with Mr. Shaun-T...

One thing I do know is I'll be joining Mr.Horton later for an extreme and amazing Leg and Back workout!!!

Just show up today everyone... Don't get all caught up with the numbers and reps .. Just show up and Do it.. You will feel great after.



Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Pushing Play Now"

I'm a strong believer that winners and leaders are made.. not born. It took a series of events in their life to help make them the person and great leader they are today. That's why I picked the name "NowNero". I wasn't going to focus on the past or the future.. I was going to focus on the present or "Now". Just being and living in the moment help us act. One of my next tattoos is a quote I look at every morning when I wake up to help motivate me for the new day.

" Action is worry's worst enemy. "

Do something. Anything.

You could eat 100% clean today.
Bring it! in today's workout ( you could being doing a 5 mile run or even a 15 minute walk. just get out there and do it. because trust me you will feel amazing when its over.

Shaun- T said it best

" I'm smiling because I love it"

Have a great day !
